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2019 Writing Program

Originally published in the Ketchikan Daily News, March 2019; written by Michelle Lampton.

Two weeks ago, my wonderful colleague Shawna wrote an AdLib on Locally- and Alaska-published magazines and anthologies. What perfect timing, because it’s time to talk about what the Library’s Writing Program is offering in 2019 in terms of events, programs, and community!

Talking with Industry Professionals: This Thursday at 5:00pm, we’ll continue our publishing industry professionals series by live videochatting with an editor. Our presenter, Jesica Hanley Vega, is an editor and coach with a non-fiction background who will discuss the difference between developmental editors and copy editors, give advice to writers about working with an editor, and take Q&A.

Fellowship of the Pen Drop-In Writes and Writers’ Meetings: Every Thursday, through the month of March, we will continue opening the writing room by 2:00pm for people to come in for self-guided writing, with a group meeting time for feedback and discussion of the craft from 5:00pm to 6:00pm.

April is “Camp Nano” month: An off-shoot of National Novel Writing Month in November, for our Library’s version of the lighter camp program, we’ll be structured to help encourage and equip you to write a short story in just a month. We’ll set up a digital “tent” for participants to share and use as an online discussion and progress board, we’ll have information and handouts, and play informative videos on short story writing. We’ll also have Drop-In Writes, and on April 27, we’ll host a camping-themed evening of s’mores, board games, storytelling around a (fake) campfire, and encouragement in the final dash to finish your story.

Works In Progress & Fan Fiction: In the summer, our Writing Program will embrace the Summer Reading Program’s Theme of “A Universe of Stories,” by taking a look at the bestselling novel “The Martian” by Andy Weir as a jump-off point to discuss writing with the “WIP” (work-in-progress) method. Also, we’ll have a week of “Fan Fiction Frenzy,” which will include a presentation and Q&A on copyright law and how current jurisprudence affects both fan fiction and fan art.

GeekFest is coming! Friday and Saturday, September 27 and 28, we will host our second-annual GeekFest. This year, our main theme will be Star Wars, and our minor theme The Hunger Games. We already have some great ideas for programing and activities, but we need you, your skills, and your ideas to make it bigger, badder, and bolder! Contact us if you’ve got ideas, mad skillz, or cool loot to help flesh out this exciting behemoth! Also, follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep in the loop as we post Calls for Contributors.

National Novel Writing Month in November: The crown-ending of our Writing Program’s yearly cycle is NaNoWriMo. 30 Days, 50,000 words, your novel! It’s a month of community, craziness, and inspiration, complete with Drop-In Writing sessions, raffle drawings, an ‘Evening of Writing Dangerously,’ games, fun, and more!

Interesting in drawing comics? Don’t forget we’ve had Manga drawing classes running since last Fall. March’s classes with instructor Ema Oshima will be held on Monday, March 11 and Monday, March 25 at 3:30pm for kids and 4:30pm for teens.

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