Holiday books
Originally published in the Ketchikan Daily News, December 2018; written by Ann Marie Meiresonne.
Christmas at the library begins with the Ketchikan Garden Club decorating the library tree set in the front entry, followed by decorations galore throughout the library, thanks to our decorating co-worker elves, and lots of Christmas/holiday books, cookbooks, craft books, craft magazines, movies and music to get one in the holiday mood.
A few of my favorite holiday things begins with picture books, for young and old.
An Orange for Frankie by Patricia Polacco is a tale of the value of family and the gift an orange was at one time. A story coming from the author’s family history is priceless for the look back at yesteryear. Other holiday titles that look into the necessity of simplicity at Christmastime include All-I’ll-Ever-Want Christmas Doll by Patricia C. McKlissach, An Amish Christmas by Richard Ammon and A Christmas Like Helen’s by Natalie Kinsey-Warnock.
Christmas Cookie: Bite-Size-Holiday Lessons by Amy Krouse Rosenthal is a valuable vocabulary lesson with delightful definitions that young and old will relate to during the holidays. As well as inspiring the reader(s) to go bake some cookies to share.
‘Twas Nochebuena: A Christmas Story in English and Spanish by Roseanne Greenfield thong written in familiar “Twas the Night before Christmas style with latino traditions gives the reader the beauty of the celebrations of our southern neighbors.
Hanukkah in Alaska by Barbara Brown has moose, the aurora borealis and festival of lights in this December celebration book. Christmas Trolls by Jan Brett is a take on Nordic tradition of a young girl reaching trolls the spirit of the holiday.
As for holiday crafting and baking a couple of new favorites include Christmas ornaments to crochet : 31 festive and fun to make designs for a handmade holiday by Megan Kreiner, who’s day job is as an animator at Dreamworks, has created beautifully detailed ornaments of fox, bear, cup of cocoa, stockings and lots more using stocking weight yarn that are completely doable.
New from America’s Test Kitchen, The perfect cookie: your ultimate guide to foolproof cookies, brownies & bars has super recipes that are simple for the most part and look to be hits at any cookie exchange.
So take some time to get into the holiday spirit by visiting the library, find a December read or holiday craft or cook book, or holiday movie from an assortment of titles. You may even come away with a bit more Christmas cheer.
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