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Valentine's Day books

Originally published in the Ketchikan Daily News, February 2019; written by Ann Marie Meiresonne.

Another holiday is upon us, Valentine’s Day, which most young kids love to celebrate. Older than 10 or 11 kids start to worry too much to celebrate a holiday made for hearts and candy and friendship, well maybe more than friendship. The heart holiday is of less pressure for parents so it is fun to celebrate. Candy, cookies and little valentine cards are maybe all the expectations, for the kids anyway.

As with other holidays the children’s library has books to help celebrate. An oldie but goodie is Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch by Eileen Spinelli with pictures by Paul Yalowitz when a mysterious package is delivered to a lonely man named Mr. Hatch. He becomes more outgoing and kind to his neighbors and co-workers each day because he believes he is loved. Who could have sent such a gift? There is a lesson in the story as well as a lesson on the inside back cover as the old style library pocket and check-out card are still attached to explain to your child.

If You’ll Be My Valentine by favorite author Cynthia Rylant and illustrated by Fumi Kosaka gifts the reader with bubbly rhymes and cheery pictures of a young boy’s special way of making valentine’s for those he loves.

Franklin’s Valentines by Paulette Bourgeois and illustrated by Brenda Clark is a sweet story of a young turtle that has lost his special made cards for the class party and what to do about it. The illustrations are so full of detail that a Picture Book Walk is well worth the time of grown-up and child to explore what is similar to your own house and what is different.

Roses Are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink by Diane de Groat is a picture book regarding kind words and hurtful words, especially during Valentine’s Day. Great book to read aloud and discuss feelings, kindness, respect, and what is okay and not okay.

Love the World by Todd Parr is not a Valentine’s book specifically but a book of loving oneself and all those good things around one. The rhyming words and colorful pictures create conversation for reader and listener.

If My Love were a Fire Truck: A Daddy’s Love song by Luke Reynolds and illustrated by Jeff Mark is a great read aloud with very descriptive expressions of love from a daddy. Illustrations are fun and engaging. Though not a Valentine’s Day specific book it is a great read for this or any time of year.

Gail Gibbons, author and illustrator, who has taught a wide range of real world subjects to preschoolers, early readers, and myself, has Valentine’s Day Is… an information book on the origins of the holiday. Something I learned is the lace used on valentine’s cards comes from the Latin word laqueus symbolizing to snare or net, as in catching someone’s heart.

If crafting or baking is your love there is a wide selection of books to browse through. The Artful Year: Celebrating the Seasons and Holidays with Crafts and Recipes has a nice little section on Valentine’s Day. As does Martha Stewert’s Handmade Holiday Crafts: 225 Inspired Projects for Year-Round Celebrations. Plus, there are numerous baking books with titles such as Irresistible Macaroons by Jose Marechal, for those sweethearts who adore macaroons.

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